We want to ensure that our platform best serves the trucking community. In an effort to do that, we’re opening up a limited number of ALPHAtester slots to users interested in actively using the site and providing feedback. To show our thanks, we’re going to give ALPHAtesters 6 months of free access to Trucklist.net (a $360 value!)

What is an ALPHAtest?

Trucklist.net is an online platform for finding and arranging short-haul trucking jobs. Whether you’re a contractor looking for trucking services or a trucking company looking to put your trucks to work, trucklist.net is your go-to source for arranging work on a day-to-day basis.

Step 1: Create a Company Profile

Build out your company profile with a profile picture, company bio, and basic contact information for your dispatcher and office departments. Let other users know about your company and see your fleet size and what you’re bringing to the table. Upload your W-9, Certificate of Insurance and other documents so that they are readily available for users to see. (Your office manager will thank you!)

Step 2: Create A Job Listing

Create a specific job listing that other companies looking for work can respond to. Let other users know what the work entails, where the work begins and ends, what types of trucks can perform the work, and other details. Interested users can click a link from the job listing that will bring them to your company contact page with the option to email or call the dispatcher directly to inquire further about participating in the work. You can include all specific details about the job schedule including truck order and start times, haul route info, or any other text so that drivers & dispatchers can refer back to the job page at any time once work has begun.

We’ve simplified the dispatching communication process by adding a “Copy Link” button to each job page. Instead of sending out a mass text/email with all of the job data to every driver and dispatcher, just copy the link and send it. The link will bring each recipient to the job page even if they’re not a registered trucklist.net user. Any changes to the specific job page will be updated automatically, so there is no need to re-send dispatch info every day to each recipient.

Step 3: Put your Trucks to Work

Select a zip code and radius from that zip code that you would like to search. Check the boxes of all the truck types you’re looking to put to work. Jobs that accept one or more of the truck types you’ve selected will appear in either a List View or a Map View format. Each listing will show a brief description of the work with a “learn more” link that will take you to the host’s job page. If you like what you see and want to inquire further, hit the “Contact to Apply” button which will take you to the host company’s contact page. Call or email the dispatcher directly in order to become a part of the job.

Step 4: Spread the Word

Our goal is to become the go-to source for arranging short-haul trucking jobs in the United States of America. As our presence grows, we can offer a more complete network of users to keep trucks moving and jobs sites active. If you are in an area where Trucklist.net is not yet a part of the trucking community, email wyatt@trucklist.net. We have a pilot program to jump start our services by offering extended free-trial periods and other incentives to your company and other key players in the area.